ACS DNI Grant 2016

GM receives a $110,000 Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) grant from the American Chemical Society (ACS) for computational modeling research!

Congratulations Peter!

Undergraduate researcher Peter Tancini receives the Swanson School of Engineering (SSOE) Summer Internship Award to go to Italy and work on a computational project with Professor Matteo Maestri. Congratulations Peter!!

Michael Receives NSF Fellow

PhD Candidate Michael Taylor receives the prestigious NSF Fellowship! Congratulations Michael!!

Welcome Macy!

Macy Divens joins our lab as an undergraduate researcher! Welcome Macy!

Congrats Peter and Bob!

Work from our phenomenal undergraduate students Peter Tancini (class 2017) and Bob Shobayo (REU student from UMBC in summer 2014) is published in JACS, in collaboration with the lab of Prof. Jill Millstone (Chemistry, Pitt)!! Congratulations Peter and Bob!! View the article

Xi Joins CANELa!

Xi Peng joins our lab as a PhD student! Welcome Xi!

Who's Who in Energy

GM is elected from the Pittsburgh Business Times in Whos Who in Energy.

Congratulations guys!

Our group participates in the AIChE 2015 National Meeting in Salt Lake City with great success! Undergraduate student Peter Tancini gives a poster presentation on “ Formation Pathways of Pre-Nucleation Species in AuCu Bimetallic Nanoparticle Growth: A First Principles Study” and receives the 3rd poster award!! Michael Taylor gives an oral presentation on “Kidney Stone Growth Modification: Insights from First Principles Calculations”, and GM on “Generalized Dehydration Trends: Connecting Brnsted- with Lewis- Acid Catalysis”. Congratulations guys!!

Congratulations Pavlo!

PhD Candidate Pavlo Kostetskyy receives the Fall Term 2014 Outstanding PhD Paper Award!! Congratulations Pavlo!!