Peter Tancini received the Pitt Departmental Research Day 2nd prize undergraduate poster award and Natalie Austin received the Pitt Departmental Research Day 1st prize Graduate Poster Award. Congratulations you two!
Congrats Natalie!
PhD candidate Natalie Austin received the Women of Color STEM Conference Student Leadership Academic Award. Great job Natalie!!
Congratulations Natalie and Brandon!
PhD Candidate Natalie Austin and undergraduate researcher Brandon Butina publish a new paper titled “CO2 Activation on Bimetallic CuNi Nanoparticles” in an invited article Themed Issue on Nanomaterials in the Progress in Natural Science: Materials International Journal. Congratulations Natalie and Brandon!!
Congratulations Pavlo!
PhD candidate Pavlo Kostetskyy received the AIChE Division of Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Student Travel Award for the AIChE 2016 National Meeting in San Francisco. Congratulations Pavlo!!
Congratulations Michael!
PhD Candidate Michael Taylor publishes a new paper titled “Molecular modifiers reveal a mechanism of pathological crystal growth inhibition” in the journal Nature!!! This paper was highlighted in Pitt Engineering News and U.S. News!! Congratulations Michael!
Good job Pavlo!
PhD Candidate Pavlo Kostetskyy publishes a new paper titled “From Biomass-Derived Furans to Aromatics with Ethanol over Zeolite” in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition. This paper is featured in the journal cover of issue 42. Good job Pavlo!
NSF Grant 2016
GM and co-investigators Professor Gotz Veser from University of Pittsburgh and Assistant Professor Chrysanthos Gounaris from Carnegie Mellon University, were awarded a 3-year $550,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for “Collaborative Research: Design of Optimal Bimetallic Nanoparticles”!
ACS DNI Grant 2016
GM receives a $110,000 Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) grant from the American Chemical Society (ACS) for computational modeling research!
Congratulations Peter!
Undergraduate researcher Peter Tancini receives the Swanson School of Engineering (SSOE) Summer Internship Award to go to Italy and work on a computational project with Professor Matteo Maestri. Congratulations Peter!!
Michael Receives NSF Fellow
PhD Candidate Michael Taylor receives the prestigious NSF Fellowship! Congratulations Michael!!