Solving Engineering Problems with Computational Chemistry (CHE 2550) — Fall 2019, 2022
Developed and instructed an elective (3 credit) course in the graduate curriculum of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Pittsburgh (attendees: 12).
University of Pittsburgh
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (CHE 2101) — Spring 2019, 2020, 2023
Graduate core course in the Chemical Engineering Department (attendees ~25).
University of Pittsburgh
Thermodynamics (CHE 0200) — Spring 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021
Undergraduate pillar course (6 credits) in the Chemical Engineering Department (attendees ~70).
University of Pittsburgh
GRFP Workshop — Fall 2016, 2017, 2018
Guest Lecturer
Designed and facilitated a workshop on preparing competitive applications for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (attendees ~30).
University of Pittsburgh
CO Oxidation on Au — Fall 2017
Guest Lecturer
Guest-lectured by invitation a talk titled “Computational Catalysis: CO Oxidation on Au” at the “Fundamentals of Reaction Processes” CHE 2201 in the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Pittsburgh (attendees ~30).
University of Pittsburgh
Academic Prep Workshops — Fall 2013
Facilitated two training workshops (endnote, web of science, application package, interview process) on academic preparation for graduate students (attendees ~20).
University of Pittsburgh
Hydrogen Storage — March 2008, 2009, 2012
Guest Lecturer
Guest-Lectured by invitation the "Hydrogen Storage Problem" as part of the CHEG 614/867, "Special Topics in Energy Engineering" graduate course (attendees ~30).
University of Delaware
QM Calcs with Gaussian — January 2010
Guest Lecturer
Facilitated training workshop on Quantum Mechanical Calculations using the Gaussian computational package for graduate students (attendees ~20).
University of Delaware