Graduate student James Dean, along with PhD candidate Natalie Austin, publishes his first article in the Mpourmpakis Lab “Designing Cu-based Bimetallic Nanoparticles for CO2 Adsorption and Activation” in ChemSusChem. Great work James and Natalie!!
Natalie and Pavlo Publish!
PhD candidates Natalie Austin and Pavlo Kostetskyy publish the article “Design of highly selective ethanol dehydration nanocatalysts for ethylene production” in Nanoscale. Excellent job you two!
Pavlo Publishes in ACS Catalysis!
PhD candidate Pavlo Kostetskyy publishes new article “Direct Catalytic Conversion of Biomass-Derived Furan and Ethanol to Ethylbenzene” in ACS Catalysis. Well done Pavlo!
Congrats Mudit and Peter!
Postdoc Mudit Dixit and Peter Tancini (previous undergraduate student in the Mpourmpakis lab, now graduated) publish the article “Mechanistic Studies on the Michael Addition of Amines and Hydrazines To Nitrostyrenes: Nitroalkane Elimination via a Retro-aza-Henry-Type Process” in the Journal of Organic Chemistry. Congrats to you both!
Welcome Julia!
Undergraduate student Julia McKay joins the lab. Welcome Julia!
Congrats Natalie!
PhD candidate Natalie Austin receives the James M. Coull Memorial Fellowship Award for outstanding PhD student in the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department at Pitt. Congrats Natalie!
Welcome Michael!
Graduate student Michael Cowan joins the lab. Welcome Michael!!
Great Job Michael!
PhD student Michael Taylor publishes new article “Reconstructing the Surface of Gold Nanoclusters by Cadmium Doping” in the Journal of the American Chemical Society! Great job Michael!!
Congrats Again Mudit!
Welcome Robin!
Masters student Robin Tan joins our lab. Welcome Robin!