Invited Talk

GM gives an invited talk at the annual Pittsburgh-Cleveland Catalysis Society Meeting.

Congratulations Natalie!

Natalie Austin won the first place in the poster competition at the annual Pittsburgh-Cleveland Catalysis Society Meeting, which was held at Carnegie Mellon University on June 2, 2014!! Natalie’s poster was entitled: “Catalyst Design at the Sub-Nanoscale”. Congratulations Natalie!!

Welcome guys!

Tybur Casuse and Olabobola (Bob) Shobayo join our lab for the summer 2014! Tybur and Bob participate in the Particle-based Functional Materials Research Experience for Undergraduates program that is led by Prof. Joe McCarthy. Welcome guys!

Welcome Jyoti!

Jyoti Prakash Maheswari joins our group for summer research! Jyoti is visiting our group from the Department of Chemical Engineering, at the National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India. Jyoti was awarded an undergaduate scholarship to perform a two month research project in our group! Welcome Jyoti! We are very happy to have you at Pitt!

Headed to UCLA!

Natalie Austin has been selected to participate in the “Graduate Summer School: Electronic Structure Theory for Materials and (Bio)molecules”, which will be held at UCLA from July 21 to August 1, 2014. Natalie, who successfully passed the selection procedure, will be fully sponsored to attend the event. Congratulations Natalie!

Invited Seminar

GM gives an invited seminar in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan.

New Article Published

GM publishes a collaborative article in the Journal of Chemical Physics: Informatics Guided Discovery of Surface Structure-Chemistry Relationships in Catalytic Nanoparticles Andriotis A.N., Mpourmpakis G., Broderick S., Rajan K., Datta S., Sunkara M., and Menon M. J. Chem. Phys. 140, 094705 (2014)

Prof. Maestri Visits

Prof. Matteo Maestri from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, visited our group. Prof. Maestri gave a seminar in our Department and a computational workshop on microkinetic modeling in our group!!

First Graduate Students!

Natalie Austin and Pavlo Kostetsky are the first graduate students to join our lab!! Welcome!!